fund and grow cash money

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One of the most common questions I hear from people in the real estate business is,

“Where can I get funding for my next deal??”

It doesn't matter what type of real estate investor you are; at some point, you will run out of cash. If you want to keep buying properties and growing your business, you'll need some other funding sources to stay liquid.

Now, there are a lot of ways to deal with the issue. Some investors turn to hard money loans; some partner with other investors who have the cash; others buy properties with seller financing or work with conventional lenders (until their bank decides they've borrowed enough money).

The problem is that all of these “solutions” have some big costs associated with them, which is why this interview is such an important one.

fund and grow short term business financingIn this episode, we talk with Mike Banks of Fund & Grow. This company has made it extraordinarily easy to get short-term financing that charges 0% interest for the first 12 months (at which point, most people will either refinance or pay off their loan by selling the asset they purchased with the money).

This financing strategy isn't the right fit for every situation, but for many reasons (which we'll get into in this interview), this can make a TON of sense. It offers a combination of speed, flexibility, and savings that few other financing methods can bring to the table.

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This is one you'll want to listen through to the end!

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About the author

Seth Williams is the Founder of - an online community that offers real-world guidance for real estate investors.

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