I met Chris Duff at the Land UnConference Inner Circle this past fall, and he’s been a great guy to know in the business. Chris is extremely knowledgeable and well-connected with other folks throughout the land business, and today, I wanted to sit down and learn how his business works.

Chris is a land funder, but it wasn’t always that way. We’re going to hear about how he discovered the land business, his experience as a land operator, and how and why he decided to pivot into the funding space. In that funding space, there are all kinds of things we’re going to talk about, like the types of projects he works on, the different pros and cons of being a funder, the unique challenges of this kind of business, and where he thinks the future of this niche of the land space is headed.

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Key Takeaways

In this episode, you will:

  • Learn insights into how real estate funding works and what you need for it to succeed.
  • Identify how to pivot your real estate business model by recognizing your unique skills and market needs.
  • Discover how diverse entrepreneurial experiences can provide transferable expertise, even in unrelated fields.
  • Explore how to leverage your capital structuring and underwriting abilities to profit as a real estate funder.
  • Understand how maintaining resilience and adaptability through business challenges can lead to long-term success.

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About the author

Seth Williams is the Founder of REtipster.com - an online community that offers real-world guidance for real estate investors.

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