Of all the relationships I've had in my years as an entrepreneur, few of them were more important than the ones I developed in various mastermind groups.
What is a mastermind group, you ask?
While the definition can vary (depending on the context and goals) – a mastermind group is essentially this:
A small group of like-minded people that gathers regularly to put their heads together and develop new ideas, share what is working for each individual, hold each other accountable and teach specialized skills in a supportive group setting.
Through mastermind groups, people are able to grow to new heights and achieve things they never would've been able to do in isolation.
In this episode, I'm going to dive into this topic and help you understand why mastermind groups are important. More importantly, I want you to understand how and why many mastermind groups FAIL, and what you can do to ensure your current and future mastermind groups succeed at the highest level.
Links and Resources
- Slack
- REtipster Facebook Group
- REtipster Resources (this is the page I referred to in the episode)
- Land Investing Masterclass
- 3 Solid Options for Hosting Meetings:
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