Land UnConference 728x90

Earlier this year, I conducted a survey of the readers of this blog.

To my surprise, one of the most common questions/comments that came up was this…

What does Seth's typical work day look like?

In other words…

  • What do I do all day?
  • What does it look like to work in my business?
  • What do I spend all my time doing?

As I thought more about this, I started to realize – I've wondered the same thing about some of the bloggers, authors, and influencers I follow. Wouldn't it be interesting to ride along with THEM for just one day and get a look behind-the-scenes at what they do?

Of course, no two days of my life are ever exactly the same (which I suspect is probably the same case for you), but overall, I would say this is a fairly accurate portrayal of what my average day looks like. If anything, most of my workdays are probably even less eventful than this (because I don't usually visit my rentals or drive through downtown Grand Rapids like this).

Here's a quick recap of my schedule (note: this video was recorded on 6/10/17).

7:00am – Wake up. Stare into space for 45 minutes. Get dressed.

8:00am – Eat breakfast. Hang out with the wife and kids.

9:00am – Get in car. Stop by Pakmail to check mailbox.

9:15am – Get to gym. Workout.

10:30am – Drive by duplex to check on recent concrete project.

11:00am – Arrive at my “office” for the day. Respond to emails and answer questions.

12:00am – Renew all ads on Craigslist, review and update all marketing material.

12:30pm – Check in with the forum and answer questions at REtipster.Club.

1:00pm – Mastermind Meeting with Lucas Hall (, Jaren Barnes (, and Al Williamson (

2:30pm – Follow up with buyer on eBay.

3:00pm – Respond to emails from interested buyers of other properties.

3:30pm – Respond to new emails from REtipster Blog.

5:00pm – Drive home and have dinner w/ family.

5:30pm – Playtime.

6:00pm – Drive to the local “Start of Summer Celebration”.

7:00pm – Get home. Put kids to bed.

8:00pm – Watch Netflix with my wife.

9:30pm – Put self to bed.

Finally, it's worth noting that some aspects of my workday are very boring. To avoid YOU having to watch me type away at a computer for hours on end (which is literally what would happen on most workdays), some of those less-exciting parts of my day were cut out of this video.

Thanks for watching!

About the author

Seth Williams is the Founder of - an online community that offers real-world guidance for real estate investors.

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