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There are a lot of amazing resources on the internet today. Unfortunately, most people will live their entire lives without knowing about 98% of them.
As you'll probably notice, only a few of these websites are targeted toward the real estate industry, and most are quite versatile. Nevertheless – they all have a specific application, and you can start putting them to work in your real estate business today. Here they are (in no particular order)…
50 Useful Websites You've Never Heard Of
- pandadoc.com – Upload digital contracts and get legally binding signatures online.
- realtyshares.com – Invest in crowdfunded real estate from your phone with as little as $10
- bombbomb.com – Use your webcam to create and send instant video emails.
- followupthen.com – Easy-to-use email reminders.
- landwatch.com – The premier marketplace to buy or sell land.
- epa.gov – Find out about environmental issues near your property (tutorial).
- unsplash.com – Free high-quality images that require no attribution or royalties.
- primopdf.com – Convert any document to PDF from any file type.
- meetedgar.com – Automate your social media posting on multiple platforms.
- fundrise.com – Invest in crowdfunded eREIT real estate funds around the U.S.
- voiceshot.com – Phone & text broadcasting – great for communicating with your buyers list.
- join.me – Share your screen over the web.
- spokeo.com – The fastest way to find a person's phone, email, and other contact information.
- onlineocr.net – Recognize text from scanned PDFs – see other OCR tools.
- wetransfer.com – File sharing, when you need to share HUGE files online.
- polishmywriting.com – Instantly check your writing for spelling or grammatical errors.
- marker.to – Highlight the important parts of a web page for easy sharing.
- highrisehq.com – Keep track of business contacts in a cloud-based platform.
- mlcalc.com – Figure out your monthly payment with this simple mortgage calculator.
- tenantcloud.com – Free property management software for mom & pop landlords.
- canva.com/photos – A huge selection of free and premiums stock photos.
- similarsites.com – Find other websites similar to the ones you already use.
- mindjet.com – Virtual collaboration & project management suite for your entire team.
- mikogo.com – A remote desktop tool for your online meeting and web conferencing needs.
- faxzero.com – Send a fax online for free.
- bubbl.us – Create mind-maps and brainstorm ideas in your internet browser.
- zipmap.net – Find the exact boundaries of any zip code in the United States.
- msc.fema.gov – Find out if your property is located in a flood zone.
- tinychat.com – Setup a private chat room in seconds.
- privnote.com – Create private text notes that self-destruct after being read.
- ewhois.com – Find the other websites of a person with reverse analytics lookup.
- hootsuite.com – Connect all of your social media accounts in one easy-to-use platform.
- disposablewebpage.com – Create a temporary web page that self-destructs.
- sxc.hu – Need stock images? You can download these for free.
- scribblemaps.com – Create custom Google Maps easily.
- downforeveryoneorjustme.com – Check to see if a website is down or if it's just you.
- postermywall.com – Find plenty of high-quality video templates.
- safeweb.norton.com – Check the trust level of any website.
- deadurl.com – You’ll need if your bookmarked web pages are ever accidentally deleted.
- minutes.io – Take notes quickly during meetings.
- talltweets.com – Send tweets longer than 140 characters.
- pancake.io – Create a free and simple website using your Dropbox account.
- woorank.com – Research a website from the SEO perspective.
- mixlr.com – Broadcast a live audio message over the internet.
- notes.io – The easiest way to write short text notes in the browser.
- ctrlq.org/html-mail – Send rich-text, anonymous emails to anyone.
- fiverr.com – Hire people worldwide to do things for as little as $5.
- otixo.com – Easily manage your online files.
- ifttt.com – Create a connection between all your online accounts.
- textexpander.com – Create pre-written snippets and generate long-form text with just a few keystrokes.