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Have you ever heard a profoundly inspirational quote that just blew your mind?

business proverbsI'm always amazed when I hear an incredibly impactful message delivered in just a few words.

I love these kinds of quotes… so much that I've made a hobby out of collecting them over the years. Whenever I encounter these little nuggets of wisdom (the kinds of life proverbs I want to remember forever), I save them and share them with the world (if you're connected with me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you've probably seen some of these before).

Since I've been stockpiling these little life and business proverbs for so long, I wanted to share some of my favorites with you here. Scroll through these and you'll see what I mean, they're pretty brilliant! With any luck, they might just help you look at your business, life and career in a new light, just like they did for me.

Nelson Mandela win or lose
Dave Ramsey want
J. Paul Getty uncertainty
C.S. Lewis laziness
Jack Hyles success
Jim Rohn education
Ecclesiastes 7:5
Stephen Covey light
Babe Ruth home run
John C. Maxwell dreams
Thomas Edison hustle
Richard Devos money
REtipster life's problems
Matthew 7:20
Seth Godin average
George Bernard Shaw doing
charlie munger wisdom
Abraham Lincoln happiness
Eckhart Tolle present
Proverbs 4:23
Francis Chan fear
Robert Kiyosaki money
Albert Einstein explanation
REtipster richest
REtipster doubt
Will Rogers right track
Jack Hyles opportunity
Thomas Jefferson money
Seth Godin success
Will Durant excellence
Eleanor Roosevelt plan
Neil Barringham grass
Albert Einstein problems
Timothy Ferriss fear
J. Paul Getty experience
Tony Robbins change
Dave Ramsey success
Proverbs 13:7
Jim Rohn excuses
Leo Tolstoy change
Robert Kiyosaki intelligence
Ramit Sethi awkward conversations
Henry David Thoreau wealth
Bertrand Russell doubt
Elbert Hubbard competition
Picasso learning
Abraham Lincoln enemies
Michael Jordan success
Henry Ford can and cannot

About the author

Seth Williams is the Founder of REtipster.com - an online community that offers real-world guidance for real estate investors.

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