085 house wholesaler

Braden is a real estate wholesaler based in Florida.

Way back in the early days of REtipster, Braden was the first person I ever interviewed on the blog.

Back in those days, I had a lot of questions about how real estate wholesaling worked. Like a lot of people, I was fascinated by the idea of making money from real estate deals as the “middleman” without using much or any of my own cash.

I discovered Braden in the BiggerPockets forums, as he was giving really solid feedback about wholesaling that actually made sense. Of all the voices I had seen talking about this wholesaling strategy, Braden was the first person who explained it in a way where everything made sense.

After trying to learn from a lot of conflicting voices on the internet, Braden's input FINALLY helped me see things clearly. It didn’t take long for me to realize this guy was worth listening to because he was down-to-earth and honest about how the business really worked.

If you’re interested in real estate wholesaling on ANY level (whether you're working with houses, land, multi-family properties, or otherwise), I’m positive you’ll get some value out of our conversation today.

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Key Takeaways

In this episode, you will:

  • Learn how wholesaling connects distressed property sellers with cash buyers.
  • Understand the benefits of obtaining a real estate license for wholesaling.
  • Discover why focusing on finding deals is more important than building a buyer list.
  • Explore effective strategies for finding deals in a competitive market.
  • Recognize the value of developing multiple complementary profit centers in your business.

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About the author

Seth Williams is the Founder of REtipster.com - an online community that offers real-world guidance for real estate investors.

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