JTIn today’s episode, we’re talking with a long-time member of the Land Investing Masterclass, JT Olmstead.

JT is an IT engineer-turned-land-investor who has been pursuing real estate for more than ten years. During the time JT has been involved with the REtispter Community, I've heard him offer a lot of good input and helpful feedback for others in the business. I always thought he had a good head on his shoulders, so I figured it was time to get him on a call so we could talk shop and see what kind of fascinating lessons come out.

One unique thing about JT is that he's not afraid to go after the big stuff. In this conversation, we'll talk about some of the BIG deals he's gone after, some of the unexpected problems that have come up along the way, and what it's like to move earth around and get your hands dirty.

Not surprisingly, he had a lot of sage advice to offer, and I think you'll enjoy it!

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Key Takeaways

In this episode, you will:

  • Learn how JT transitioned from IT engineering to full-time land investing after discovering the REtipster Land Investing Masterclass.
  • Understand JT's strategy of focusing on higher-quality, higher-priced owner-financed deals rather than a high volume of smaller deals.
  • Discover JT's approach to financial management, including setting aside 12 months of living expenses before going full-time in land investing.
  • Gain insights into JT's method of diversifying across states rather than counties, and the benefits of establishing systems in specific states.
  • Hear about JT's first $50,000 land deal, including how he financed it, subdivided the property, and ultimately profited from the investment.

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About the author

Seth Williams is the Founder of REtipster.com - an online community that offers real-world guidance for real estate investors.

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