REtipster Podcast Coming
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For those of you who have followed this website for a while, you probably know my primary focus has been on written content, with the occasional YouTube video to help explain things… but other than the handful of guest interviews on other podcasts over the years, I've never had my own podcasting platform before.

Starting in 2018, that's going to change.

I've always known that podcasting is a SUPER powerful medium for delivering content, but I've held off on starting my own podcast for a long time – mainly because it's a massive new time commitment, and I didn't want to jump into this kind of project until I was ready to do it well.

This past October, I was fortunate enough to attend Power Up Podcasting Live – an in-person workshop in San Diego with Pat Flynn.

Pat Flynn had a GIGANTIC influence on me when I started this blog back in 2012, so it was an incredible privilege to spend two days with the guy and learn from his years of expertise.

It was a great experience and I learned a ton – not just about how to start and run a podcast, but also how to be an effective communicator and deliver solid value to a listening audience.

Just for fun, here's a quick little video recap from my experience…

Anyway – if you want to help me promote and support the launching of the REtipster Podcast, it's currently slated to go live on January 2, 2018.

Essentially, this allows you to commit to sharing the news about the podcast when it's launched. In other words, you can sign on TODAY, and then your Facebook or Twitter account will automatically post a link to the show when it goes live on 1/2/18.

Anyway, there's no pressure – but if you're up for it, I'd love to have your support!

I'm looking forward to coming at you in audio format early in 2018. Stay tuned!

About the author

Seth Williams is the Founder of - an online community that offers real-world guidance for real estate investors.

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